Join this Polish charity’s campaign against loneliness this Christmas
For most of us, Christmas is a time of celebration and coming together with friends and family. However for many people, particularly the elderly and vulnerable, it can be a period of intense loneliness and isolation. The Polish charity Stowarzyszenie mali bracia Ubogich (roughly translated as ‘Association of Poor Brothers’) are aiming to tackle that this year with their latest campaign ‘Podaruj Wigilię’ (‘Give a gift this Christmas’).
The funds raised will provide Christmas meals and gifts for elderly people in cities across Poland, as well as providing them with the opportunity to socialise with their peers and feel that little bit less alone.
We provided the music supervision for the campaign film as a pro bono service, with Ran Nir‘s ‘Hold Me In Your Arms Again’ making the final cut. Many thanks to Ran and his label and publisher for their willingness to be part of this project.
The film tells the moving story of a couple meeting and falling in love and the isolating impact of loss. Fair warning, make sure you’ve got some tissues at hand.
Watch Stowarzyszenie mali bracia Ubogich‘s anti-loneliness campaign film here: